Wanbon, Julian Robert
Age: 23
Rank: Flight Sergeant
Regiment: Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
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Wanbon, Julian Robert
Age: 23
Rank: Flight Sergeant
Regiment: Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Wesson, Thomas Edmund (Tom)
Age: 35
Rank: Flight Lieutenant (Pilot Instructor)
Regiment: Royal Air Force
White, Thomas Wilson
Age: 24
Rank: Private
Regiment: 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Whitehand, Thomas William (Tommy)
Age: 20
Rank: Flight Sergeant (Tail Gunner)
Regiment: Royal Air Force
Wilkins, Ronald Charles
Age: 18
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Royal Artillery 38 Light AA Regiment
Williams, Arthur James
Age: 30
Rank: Private
Regiment: 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Williams, Clarence Richard
Age: 28
Rank: Private
Regiment: 1/7th Batallion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Williams, Daniel (Dan)
Age: 34
Rank: Warrant Officer Class II
Regiment: 15th Battalion, Welch Regiment
Williams, Robert Gordon
Age: 23
Rank: Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
Regiment: Royal Navy
Willmore, Thomas Albert
Age: 30
Rank: Private
Regiment: Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Wilshire, Harold Frederick
Age: 19
Rank: Able Seaman
Regiment: Royal Navy