Warwick Court Leet at the Menin Gate

At the end of June a group from the Warwick Court Leet visited the battlegrounds in northern France and Belgium.

The visit included a formal wreath-laying ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres dedicated to the British and Commonwealth soldiers who were killed in the Ypres Salient of the First World War and whose graves are unknown.

Soldiers from the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, ‘The Warwicks’, played a major role on the Western Front throughout WWI. More than eleven and a half thousand men from the regiment died in the conflict, more than 360 of them from the town of Warwick.

Ann Lettis, who is a member of the Unlocking Warwick research group for this website was pleased to find on the Menin Gate plaques 19 of the names of The Fallen who are also commemorated on the Warwick War Memorial, but have no known grave.