WWI Collection Day

On Saturday 9th June, a WWI Digital Collection Day was held at Warwick Preparatory School as part of the national ‘Lest We Forget’ initiative led by the University of Oxford.

The aim of the project is to record family stories and digitise WWI pictures, letters and memorabilia for future generations. The Midlands Collection Day was organised by King’s High and Warwick Prep, with pupils interviewing people about their contributions to the database.

There was a prominent display about the Warwickshire at War project run by Heritage and Culture Warwickshire. Researchers at the County Record Office have been working for the past four years to find and catalogue WWI stories and pictures from across the county in time for the centenary of the Armistice in November this year. You can see some of the material on www.ourwarwickshire.org.uk and the database is available at apps.warwickshire.gov.uk/WW1Records/ 

Unlocking Warwick’s Christine Shaw and Rick Thompson were also there to exchange information about the fallen from Warwick, and to show this website.

Unlocking Warwick volunteers will be continuing to seek pictures and family information about the names on the Warwick war memorial at least until the end of the year. So if you have stories or mementoes from anyone from WWI commemorated on the Church Street memorial, please let us know. info@warwickwarmemorial.org.uk