Rogers, Charles Arthur

Age: 41
Date of birth: January 1876

Parents: Charles and Emily Rogers
Wife: Single
Address: 49 Brook Street

Occupation: House Painter

Charles Arthur Rogers was born in January 1876 and baptised at Bishops Itchington Church.  His father, Charles William is described as a ‘mason’ and his mother was called Emily.

Charles’ father died in 1881.  The census of that year shows family living at 122 Kineton Road, Bishops Itchington.  As well as Charles and his mother, the other members of the household are Kate Suttaby (11), Lawrence (8), Isabella (7) and Wilfred (4).

Moving forward to 1901 Charles is 25 and living with his sister Isabella at 14 Friars Street, Warwick.  Isabella married George Talbot in 1906 and had three children: George Henry, Emily Clarice and Winifred.

In 1911, Charles is single, aged 35, his occupation is a ‘painter’ and he is living with Albert and Kate Wood (40) at 49 Brook Street.  He is described as ‘brother’ so Kate Wood is probably the Kate Suttaby who is detailed in the 1881 census, and possibly a half sister from a previous marriage.

Isabella married George Talbot in 1906 and had three children: George Henry, Emily Clarice and Winifred.

Here is a letter that Charles sent on 24th July 1916 to Isabella – we think that ‘Lall’ is his brother Lawrence. There are two words that we cannot decipher – these are marked with (?):

Dear Sister

Just a few lines to say I am alright up till now if you have not sent the 5/- don’t send it until I send for it as I can’t spend it here but you may send a few Woodbines.  Tell Kate I will send to her as soon as I can you can share the letter between you as paper etc. are scarce and you can’t carry much of your own stuff about.  You might let Lall know as I can’t write to many tell S Potter (?) I am alright (and) anyone else I know.  I may say I have been in the action once but not right in the Front.  I can’t speak anymore about it.  We were praised by XXXXXXXXXXX (redacted) this morning for what we did and he said our company seemed to drop in the tightest place but he would try & give them a bit easier job if he could so our company must have been in a good many hot quarters before we joined up here.  I often see Warwick(?) chaps but can’t mention them here as there are so many.  I hope you are alright also all the children give my love to all of them and goodnight with best love

Pte C A Rogers

17301 D Cpy 15 Batt RWR

B E F France

13 Platoon

Military Service

Rank & Number: Private, 17301
Regiment/Service: 16th (Service) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment (3rd Birmingham)
Brigade/Division: 15th Brigade, 5th Division
Date of death: Sunday, September 03, 1916
Cause of death/Battle: Died of wounds
Commemorated/Buried: Corbie Communal Cemetery, Somme
Awards: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Commemorated locally at:

Warwick Advertiser 16th September 1916

This is a World War One Memorial Scroll which was sent with a note from King George V to the next of kin of to those who lost their lives:


  • John Moon – Charles’ Great Nephew – particular thanks for Charles’ letter to his sister and his Memorial Scroll
  • Unlocking Warwick Research Group
  • Warwick Advertiser excerpt courtesy of Warwickshire County Record Office

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