Wilson, James Dodds H

Age: 35
Date of birth: 1882

Wife: Mrs Wilson
Address: 5 Jury Street

Occupation: Hairdresser and Tobacconist

We think that this entry relates to James Dodds Wilson was born in Scarborough and was living and working at Heppers Gents Outfitters in 1911.  The household consisted of eight members of the Heppers family, one servant and Arthur Dodd.

This may indicate that Dodd or Dodds was a family name and that James and Arthur were related as they are described as partners and both working on their own account as hairdressers and tobacconists.

We would welcome any further information to either verify or correct our findings.

Military Service

Rank & Number: Private, 25784
Regiment/Service: 2nd/6th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Brigade/Division: 182nd Brigade, 61st Division
Date of death: Tuesday, April 09, 1918
Cause of death/Battle: Killed in Action - Battle of Estaires
Commemorated/Buried: Pozieres Memorial, Somme
Awards: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Commemorated locally at: Warwick School

Warwick Advertiser 15th June 1918


  • David Oliver
  • Unlocking Warwick Research Group
  • Warwickshire County Records Office for Warwick Advertiser item

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